So while most of the State of Kentucky is working from home, the legislators are working in Frankfort. Some of the list below is just updates to previously listed bills, but one has been completely gutted and reworked by its own sponsor, Savannah Maddox, to change the entire purpose of the Bill. HB47 CHILD ABUSE … Continue reading What is happening in Frankfort during the Covid 19 crisis?
Category: Legislation
Press Release from the Social Security Administration that they will no longer use language ability in determining disability. This means that if part of your disability case is related to your language ability, it directly will affect your case. Prior to now, it was literacy in English, but not the ability to learn and process instruction in any language will impact the determination of disability.
How a rural murder case could change the borders for Oklahoma.
While reading a magazine from two years ago, I came across an article which described a case that was then heading the to the U.S. Supreme Court which could change the boundaries of the State of Oklahoma. No. 17-1107, Sharp vs. Murphy. The case is a capital murder case which may or may not have … Continue reading How a rural murder case could change the borders for Oklahoma.
The 6th Circuit Judges gave us something to be Thankful for.
Update on Eric Conn cases: On November 21, 2018, a panel of Federal Appeals Court Judges for the Sixth Circuit ruled that the process that the Social Security Administration used to cut off benefits from former clients of Eric Conn is unconstitutional and flawed. Per Ned Pillersdorf, the man who has become the face of … Continue reading The 6th Circuit Judges gave us something to be Thankful for.
Kentucky complying with Pentagon order on same-sex spousal benefits Currently, three states are ignoring the Pentagon’s order to grant benefits to same-sex married couples. Those states are Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Under the Pentagon’s order, all married couples, regardless of their gender, are to be treated equally. That means only three states are refusing to treat military personnel the same regardless of their … Continue reading Kentucky complying with Pentagon order on same-sex spousal benefits