HB5 AN ACT relating to the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to enact and enter into the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact with all other jurisdictions that legally join in the compact; declare the purpose of the compact; define terms; and establish the Solemn Covenant of States Commission and set forth the functions of the commission.
HB 6 AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to persons entitled to vote. Propose to amend Section 145 of the Constitution of Kentucky to restore voting rights to persons convicted of felonies upon completion of their sentence; submit to the voters for ratification or rejection. HB7 AN ACT relating to the expansion of gaming and making an appropriation therefore Create a new section of KRS Chapter 154A to state the findings of the General Assembly; amend KRS 154A.010 to define, "authorizing location," "casino," "county," "county legislative body," "department," "full casino gaming," "gaming licensee," "gross gaming revenue," "handle," "licensee," "limited casino gaming," and "principal"; amend KRS 154A.030 to expand the Lottery Corporation board membership and duties; amend KRS 154A.040 to include casino licensees; amend 154A.063 to remove prohibition against casino gaming; create new sections of KRS Chapter 154A to require a local option election in any precinct wanting to host a casino; describe the duties of the county clerk and sheriff in a casino gaming local option election; state requirements for local option elections held on a day other than a regular election day; require the corporation to advertise an invitation to bid for casinos; require the corporation to evaluate all proposals for full casinos; establish initial licensing fees for full casinos at $50 million with an initial licensing period of ten years and annual renewal thereafter at $6 million per year; permit limited casino gaming at horse racing tracks licensed under KRS Chapter 230; establish requirements for limited casinos; establish requirements for any track holding a limited casino license; establish requirements for principals of any corporation granted a casino license; create license application requirements for casino, manufacturer's, or supplier’s licenses; prohibit anyone not licensed from selling, leasing, or otherwise furnishing gaming supplies; prohibit anyone under the age of 21 from participating in casino gaming; require the Lottery Corporation to determine occupations related to casino gaming that require licensure and establish criteria for occupational licensing; permit the corporation to initiate disciplinary action against applicants and license holders; establish an appeal process; create new sections of KRS Chapter 138 to establish wagering and admissions taxes to be remitted by gaming licensees and full and limited casinos; create new sections of KRS Chapter 154A to establish the casino gaming revenue distribution trust fund and limit that money to the benefit of the state retirement systems for the first ten years; establish the regional tourism and infrastructure development fund and provide criteria for projects seeking money from the fund; waive 15 U.S.C. secs. 1172, 1173, and 1174 for devices authorized by this Act; require the corporation to promulgate administrative regulations to define and limit games and devices permitted for gaming in casinos; provide guidelines for exclusion or ejection of certain persons; define “cheat” and provide penalties for those who cheat at casino games; amend KRS 243.500 to exempt limited or full casino gaming; amend KRS 525.090 to exempt persons engaged in casino gaming; amend KRS 528.010 to exempt gambling activity and devices licensed under KRS Chapter 154A; amend KRS 528.020 to conform; amend KRS 528.070 to exempt activity licensed under KRS Chapter 154A; amend KRS 528.080 to exempt those with the appropriate license required under KRS Chapter 154A; amend KRS 528.100 to exempt limited or full casino gaming licensed under KRS Chapter 154A; APPROPRIATION; EFFECTIVE DATE DELAYED.
HB 40 AN ACT relating to wage theft. Create a new section of Chapter 514 to create the offense of theft of wages and establish penalties; define employer and employee; amend KRS 336.080 to indicate the secretary may enter places of employment without unreasonable delay to inspect a place of employment; amend KRS 337.020 to allow the commissioner to charge and collect past due wages; amend KRS 337.070 to require certain employers to include rate of pay, the number of hours worked, and the total amount of gross pay earned on wage statements provided to employees; amend KRS 337.320 to require employers to keep record for three years of the name, address, and occupation of each employee, the rate of pay and amount paid to each employee, a list of personnel policies provided to the employees, and a copy of the wage statement provided to each employee; create a new section of Chapter 337 to require employers to provide to an employee a written notice at the time of hire that sets forth the rate and method of pay, the employees employment status, accruals of time, deductions that may be made from pay, and the name and address of the employer, and require the employer to keep a copy of the notice signed by the employee; amend KRS 337.990 to include a civil penalty for failure to provide the written notice to employee and maintain a copy of the signed notice.
HB66 DRIVING WHILE OPERATING A PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE Amend KRS 189.292 to provide that no person shall use a personal communication device or stand-alone electronic device while operating a motor vehicle; set forth exceptions; provide that persons under the age of 18 shall not use a personal communications device while driving, except for emergencies; amend KRS 189.990 to set forth penalties for the violation of KRS 189.292; amend KRS 186.452, 186.454, and 189.2327 to conform; repeal KRS 189.294.
HB107 SAFETY OF CANINES AND FELINES Create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to provide civil immunity for damaging a vehicle if a person enters the vehicle with the reasonable, good-faith belief that a dog or cat is in immediate danger of death if not removed. HB 132 An Act relating to student privacy Create new sections of KRS Chapter 158 to ensure that student privacy exists in school restrooms, locker rooms, and showers; require students born male to use only those facilities designated to be used by males and students born female to use only those facilities designated to be used by females; require schools to provide the best available accommodation to students who assert that their gender is different from their biological sex; identify consequences for using facilities designated for the opposite biological sex; identify the Act as the Kentucky Student Privacy Act
HB173 UNINSURED MOTORIST COVERAGE Amend KRS 304.20-020 to add property damage in limits set forth in KRS 304.39-110 as part of the minimum coverage required under the section for insureds who are legally entitled to recover damages from owners or operators of uninsured motor vehicles; make technical amendments; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2021. HB191 MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Amend KRS 189.635 to require business operators to notify law enforcement of a vehicle delivered to the business in a damaged condition; amend KRS 189.990 to make it a Class A misdemeanor for a driver to not report an accident if he or she knew or should have known that the vehicle was involved in an accident that resulted in death or serious physical injury and for a business operator not to report a damaged vehicle.
HB197 PAY FOR JURY SERVICE Amend KRS 29A.170 to increase payment for jurors from five dollars to thirty dollars per day.
HB242 TRANSPORTATION OF OVERDIMENSIONAL LOADS Amend KRS 189.270 to allow for an annual permit for transporters of new manufactured housing; notwithstand the provisions of KRS 189.269 to allow for a maximum height under this permit of 15 feet; maintain all other maximum dimension and weight limits used for regular overweight and overdimensional permits; set fees for annual manufactured housing transport permit at $1,500 if the width exceeds 14 feet or the height exceeds 13 feet, 6 inches; otherwise set fee at $500; set forth additional requirements for permit holders, including use of a GPS device on the permitted vehicles, with records subject to Transportation Cabinet inspection; set forth a $1,000 fine if a permit holder transports a load in excess of 13 feet, 6 inches in height in restricted area, as designated by the Transportation Cabinet.
HB253 INVESTIGATION OF TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to require local law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction to investigate all traffic accidents involving a fatality that occur on state-maintained highways; specify that if a local law enforcement agency does not have an accident reconstruction unit or similar expertise, the Kentucky State Police shall perform the investigation; amend KRS 16.065 to conform; cite as the John Carter Knight Act of 2020.
HB254 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATORS Create a new section of KRS Chapter 189 to define "expenses of an emergency response," "public agency," and "reasonable costs"; require a driver who drives on a highway that has been barricaded due to flooding be held liable for the costs of rescue or recovery; allow a driver convicted of violating KRS 189.290 for driving on a highway that is flooded to be held liable for the costs of rescue or recovery; limit liability under this section to $2,000; allow insurance policies to exclude coverage for a person's liability under this section; amend KRS 189.290 and 39F.120 to conform; amend KRS 304.39-020 to exclude charges under Section 1 of the act from the definition of medical expenses; create a new section of 304.39 to allow motor vehicle liability insurance policies to exclude coverage for a person's liability under Section 1 of the Act.
HB255 OPERATING A MOTOR VEHICLE Amend KRS 189.292 to define the terms "stand-alone electronic device," "operating a motor vehicle," and "use"; prohibit the use of a personal communication device or stand-alone electronic device while operating a motor vehicle; amend KRS 189.294 to provide that persons under 18 years shall not use a personal communication device or stand-alone electronic device in any manner; exempt school bus operators who are instead subject to KRS 281A.205; set forth exceptions; amend KRS 189.990 to set forth penalties for the violation of KRS 189.292; create a new section of KRS Chapter 281A to apply these provisions to commercial motor vehicle drivers; amend KRS 189.2327 to conform; create a short title, "Phone-Down Kentucky Act." HB283 JURY SERVICE FOR CAREGIVERS Amend KRS 29A.100 to allow individuals to be excused from jury service if they are 70 years of age or older and request to be excused from jury service. HB298 POLICE PURSUIT POLICIES Create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to provide definitions, require each law enforcement agency in the state to establish and enforce policies governing of a vehicle pursuit after January 1, 2021; provide the criteria for decision-making to initiate and terminate a pursuit; allow the adoption model policy, subject to certain criteria and require transmission of adopted policy to Justice Cabinet; provide for penalties for failure to transmit; require written certification that each member of the agency has received a copy of the policy and instruction on the policy; make policy confidential and not a public record; require annual review of policy; allow update of policy at any time, require submission of revised policy to Justice Cabinet; create a new section of KRS Chapter 411 to prohibit elected law enforcement officers from engaging in vehicle pursuit, provide exemptions for certain officers, provide penalty for violation of this section, define "pursuit"; amend KRS 15.440 to require a mandatory eight hours of in-service training in "emergency vehicle operations" annually; amend KRS 61.170 to provide for punishment of elected law enforcement officials engaging in unauthorized pursuit; amend KRS 186.560 to allow suspension of driver's license for fleeing or evading in the second degree; amend 520.100 to enhance penalties for fleeing or evading in the second degree; naming section 1 of the Act "Jill's Law"; Section 3 EFFECTIVE July 1, 2021.
HB 321 An act relating to regulation the medication a parent may give to their minor child Create a new section of KRS Chapter 438 to prohibit medical professionals from performing surgeries or proscribing medications to a minor with the intent to alter the sex the child was assigned at birth and create a Class D felony and a civil cause of action for violations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 405 regarding parental rights in the area of gender identity or gender dysphoria; create a new section of KRS Chapter 61 to create employee protections for public employees who express opinions regarding gender identity or gender dysphoria.
HB 322 AN ACT relating to law enforcement seizure and forfeiture of money and other property, making an appropriation therefore, and declaring an emergency AN ACT relating to law enforcement seizure and forfeiture of money and other property, making an appropriation therefore, and declaring an emergency
HB 327 AN ACT relating to expungement of criminal records Amend KRS 431.076 to create automatic expungement of acquittals and dismissals with prejudice occurring after the effective date of the Act; allow expungement of past acquittals and dismissals with prejudice by petition; and allow expungement of felony charges held to the grand jury which have not resulted in an indictment after 12 months.
SB12 INSURANCE POLICY RENEWALS Amend KRS 304.20-035 to require property and casualty insurers to notify insureds of changes in the terms and conditions offered in a renewal policy.
SB 90 AN ACT protecting the exercise of medical ethics and diversity within the medical profession. Create new sections of KRS Chapter 344 to define terms; prohibit discrimination against medical care providers who decline to perform procedures that violate their conscience; grant providers the right not to participate in or pay for services that violate their conscience; exempt providers from liability for exercising these rights; establish a civil cause of action for persons injured by violations of these provisions.
SB 114 AN ACT relating to athletics. Amend KRS 156.070 to require the board of education or agency designated by the board of education to manage interscholastic athletics to promulgate administrative regulations or bylaws requiring schools that participate in interscholastic athletics to designate all athletic teams, activities, and sports based upon the biological sex of the students eligible to participate; prohibiting male students from participating in athletic teams, activities, and sports designated as girls'; restricting access to athletic facilities designated for the use of an exclusive biological sex; and defining the methods of establishing a students' biological sex; prohibit designated agencies from entertaining complaints or investigations of policies; create a cause of action against a school that violates these provisions; require that the action be brought within 2 years; create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to require a public postsecondary education institution or private postsecondary education institution that is a member of a national intercollegiate athletic association to designate all intercollegiate and intramural athletic teams, activities, sports, and events that are sponsored or authorized by the institution based on biological sex of students eligible to participate; to require that a public postsecondary education institution or private postsecondary education institution that is a member of a national intercollegiate athletic association prohibit male students from participating in athletic teams, activities, and sports designated as womens'; restricting access to athletic facilities designated for the use of an exclusive biological sex at a public postsecondary education institution or private postsecondary education institution that is a member of a national intercollegiate athletic association; and defining the methods of establishing a postsecondary students' biological sex; prohibit designated agencies from entertaining complaints or investigations of policies; create a cause of action against a postsecondary institution that violates these provisions; require that the action be brought within 2 years; title the Act: "Save Women’s Sports Act."