Press Release from the Social Security Administration that they will no longer use language ability in determining disability. This means that if part of your disability case is related to your language ability, it directly will affect your case. Prior to now, it was literacy in English, but not the ability to learn and process instruction in any language will impact the determination of disability.

How a rural murder case could change the borders for Oklahoma.

While reading a magazine from two years ago, I came across an article which described a case that was then heading the to the U.S. Supreme Court which could change the boundaries of the State of Oklahoma. No. 17-1107, Sharp vs. Murphy. The case is a capital murder case which may or may not have … Continue reading How a rural murder case could change the borders for Oklahoma.

Some of the Kentucky proposed bills as of 2/23/2020

This is not a complete list, but does impact things from if a child is required to wear a helmet to the definition of sexual contact and much more. To check the status of these bills, and more, and to tell your legislators your opinions to same: 1-800-372-7181 Further, the language of the Bills … Continue reading Some of the Kentucky proposed bills as of 2/23/2020

Some of the Kentucky proposed bills as of 2/15/2020

This is not a complete list, but does impact things from if a child is required to wear a helmet to the definition of sexual contact and much more. To check the status of these bills, and more, and to tell your legislators your opinions to same: 1-800-372-7181 HB6 PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE Propose … Continue reading Some of the Kentucky proposed bills as of 2/15/2020

Proposed Kentucky Laws as of 01/26/2020

HB5 AN ACT relating to the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact. Create a new section of KRS Chapter 214 to enact and enter into the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Interstate Compact with all other jurisdictions that legally join in the … Continue reading Proposed Kentucky Laws as of 01/26/2020

So you think you may have to file bankruptcy? 8 things you need to know

This time of year seems to be “bankruptcy season” as many people file for relief from their creditors when they get their taxes filed. In light of that, these are some tips, generally and not specific legal advice, to get you started. 1. For a person, there is generally two types of bankruptcy you can … Continue reading So you think you may have to file bankruptcy? 8 things you need to know

Four Things to Do for the Beginning of the Year, from an attorney.

Four Things to do for the beginning of the Year: 1. Update your Will, if you have gotten married, divorced, had anyone in your Will become an adult or pass away; 2. Update your Living Will, also know as your Health Care Surrogate (if you do not update it after you get divorced, do you … Continue reading Four Things to Do for the Beginning of the Year, from an attorney.

What do you mean I have to pay my attorney for time while not in Court?

The biggest complaint from clients, is that they don’t understand what exactly they are paying for when they hire attorneys. This is for clients that are billed by the hour, not a percentage of the settlement (what will be addressed in a different post). When a client signs an hourly fee agreement for the lawyer’s … Continue reading What do you mean I have to pay my attorney for time while not in Court?

Why do I practice public interest law?

            From Yale Law: “A public interest law firm is a private, for-profit association of lawyers, like any other private law firm. Public interest law firms are distinguished from other private firms in that their primary mission is to assist underrepresented people or causes, rather than to make money.” So, full disclosure, most of what … Continue reading Why do I practice public interest law?