
What a traffic ticket will really cost you We know that most people will get a traffic ticket at some point and that some people will just go ahead and pay the ticket. If they do that, it may end up costing them much more than the ticket states. On top of the court costs and fines, there is most likely going … Continue reading What a traffic ticket will really cost you

Ky Same-sex case to be a landmark Even if Kentucky doesn’t recognize their marriage, they are married in another state and it will come down to whether or not the Court here will allow one spouse to testify against another spouse when she has invoked spousal privilege. If they were a opposite sex married couple the court would have to allow … Continue reading Ky Same-sex case to be a landmark

DOMA struck down

Today, the US Supreme Court has ruled that DOMA (The Defense of Marriage Act) is unconstitutional and that married couples of any gender are entitled to the same protections as to opposite sex married couples. Of course, Kentucky has an amendment which bans same sex marriage, so that will have to be addressed next. … Continue reading DOMA struck down

Same-Sex bankruptcy case

In light of the ongoing US Supreme Court cases regarding marriage, I thought should talk about a case I have that is ongoing.  I represent two gentlemen who were married in New York and filed bankruptcy in Louisville Kentucky. After briefs, motions and hearings, my clients have the only same-sex marriage that is currently recognized … Continue reading Same-Sex bankruptcy case