Two years since Marriage Equality became the law of the land

On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that same-sex couples have the same right to marry as opposite-sex couples and the world has changed forever. Obergefell v. Hodges Looking back, on June 26, 2003, the US Supreme Court ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that no one could be charged with a crime for … Continue reading Two years since Marriage Equality became the law of the land

The importance of your vote this election

Last year, 2015, only a fraction of Kentuckians voted and we elected a Governor without a mandate from the people as less than half the people in the Commonwealth of Kentucky voted. This election cycle, we in Kentucky, and in the rest of the country, are voting for everything from who will hear your traffic … Continue reading The importance of your vote this election

A look back over the last 4 years and my personal involvement with the legal aspects of working with the LGBT community.

A look back over the last 4 years and my personalĀ involvement with the legal aspects of working with the LGBT community. As long as I have been practicing law I have been assisting the LGBT community with things from wills to traffic tickets. In the Spring of 2012 I was hired to represent two men … Continue reading A look back over the last 4 years and my personal involvement with the legal aspects of working with the LGBT community.

The next step for same-sex marriage in Kentucky

In Judge Heyburn’s ruling of February 12, 2014, he orders Kentucky to now recognize same-sex marriages that have been performed outside of Kentucky. The next step would obviously be to file suit to allow same-sex marriage to be performed in the State of Kentucky. The attorneys of the Fauver Law Office and Clay Daniel … Continue reading The next step for same-sex marriage in Kentucky

Kentucky complying with Pentagon order on same-sex spousal benefits Currently, three states are ignoring the Pentagon’s order to grant benefits to same-sex married couples. Those states are Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi. Under the Pentagon’s order, all married couples, regardless of their gender, are to be treated equally. That means only three states are refusing to treat military personnel the same regardless of their … Continue reading Kentucky complying with Pentagon order on same-sex spousal benefits

Social Security and same-sex couples On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. Social Security is now processing some retirement spouse claims for same-sex couples and paying benefits where they are due. We continue to work closely with the Department of Justice. In the coming weeks and … Continue reading Social Security and same-sex couples

Answers for Same-Sex Marriage case

The Answers on the same-sex marriage case for Louisville, Kentucky were due last Monday, September 16, 2013, but the Attorney General’s office has asked for an extension so that they can file responses to both lawsuits filed by this office. The second case was filed in Frankfort and the due date on those Answers are … Continue reading Answers for Same-Sex Marriage case