On June 26, 2013, the US Supreme Court ruled on the Windsor case, which stated that the Federal Government had to recognize the marriage of Eddie Windsor and Thea Spyer for purposes of inheritance taxes.
That case opened the flood gates for cases to be filed across the country asking for same-sex marriages to be allowed and to be recognized in states where they aren’t allowed currently. On July 26, 2013, the Bourke v. Beshear case filed asking for marriage recognition for four couples, Greg Bourke and Michael DeLeon Kim Franklin and Tammy Boyd; Randy Johnson and Paul Campion and Luke Barlowe and Jim Meade.
On February 12, 2014, a ruling was issued that the state of Kentucky was to recognize these couples, and all same-sex marriages in the state of Kentucky.
During this interval, Dominique James and Maurice Bojangles Blanchard had been arrested for trying to obtain a marriage license in Kentucky. They went to trial and were fined $1 each for trespassing during their peaceful protest of the refusal to be issued a marriage license.
On February 13, 2014, Tim Love and Larry Ysunza were denied a marriage license, as the ruling on Bourke v. Beshear only addressed those marriages performed outside of Kentucky.
So on February 14, 2014, the Love v. Beshear case was filed for both of these couples. In that case we asked that the state of Kentucky be ordered to issue marriage licenses for all eligible adults, regardless of the gender of the couple wanting to be married.
These two cases are currently going to be heard by the US Supreme Court, on April 28, 2015, we believe. This means we should have a ruling for same-sex couples across the country this June.
Things have changed drastically across the United States for LGBT citizens in just two years.
You’ve really helped me unserdtand the issues. Thanks.